SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

Genesee Community College participates in the 苏尼交叉配准 agreement as well as with the 罗彻斯特地区 and 西部纽约财团 Agreement which allows students to take courses at institutions other than their home institution to aid in degree completion.


学生 who wish to cross register at a SUNY School can do so by completing the online 纽约州立大学交叉注册申请.

以下准则适用于a GCC student interested in a 苏尼交叉配准 at a participating institution:

  1. Student must be matriculated at GCC and the course they are requesting must be applicable to their current degree program.
  2. Students may only cross register at participating institutions for degree applicable courses when an equivalent or degree suitable course is not available at GCC, the enrollment capacity has been reached in all GCC offerings, or the student has a time conflict between two required courses that must be completed this semester.
  3. Students will not be approved for cross registration if there is a hold on their record that prevents registration at GCC or if they are not in good academic standing.
  4. Students must have the approval of both GCC and host institution.
  5. Students are responsible for notifying the appropriate offices on both campuses if they drop or withdraw from a course.  Failure to do so can result in a failing grade.
  6. All course related fees in excess of tuition are the responsibility of the student.
  7. Students are subject to the cross registration policies of the SUNY school in which they wish to cross register. Students are responsible for contacting the host institution for registration related policies as well as dates and deadlines.
    1. Enrollment at a community college requires proof of permanent residency in 纽约 State for 12 months. Individual counties may have additional residency requirements. Students should check with the community college’s Bursar’s Office for further details.

以下准则适用于 访问ing Students who are interested in Cross Registering at Genesee Community College:

  1. Students must have the approval of both GCC and their home institution to finalize registration.
  2. 学生必须提供有效证件 居住证明 to GCC in order for a SUNY cross-registration to be approved.
  3. All posted pre-requisites must be met by any visiting student before registration can be completed.
  4. Students are responsible for notifying the appropriate offices on both campuses if they drop or withdraw from a course.  Failure to do so can result in a failing grade and or/charges to the student.
  5. All course related fees in excess of tuition are the responsibility of the student.
  6. 交叉注册 at GCC may be closed because of space limitations.
  7. Students that register without completing the SUNY cross registration application previous to the published dates will not be honored as cross registered students and the tuition will not be deferred. A cross registration application CANNOT be backdated for a previously enrolled course.

罗彻斯特地区 & Western NY Consortium 交叉注册

学生 who wish to cross register at a participating Non-SUNY school can do so by obtaining a 罗彻斯特地区 Colleges Inter-institutional Undergraduate Student Enrollment Form or a Western 纽约 Undergraduate 交叉注册 Form from the 在原住机构登记. Completed forms are returned to the registrar’s office on the campus where the requested course is being offered. Each participating institution may have its own policy regarding admittance of a cross registered student. It is advisable to check the policy of the institution of interest.

All incoming cross registration forms are subject to GCC Registrar final approval.

  1. Requirements and enrollment limit vary by agreement. Please refer to the appropriate application.
  2. Students registering using the RAC or WNY consortium agreement must be full time at the home institution.

以下准则适用于a GCC student interested in a RAC or WNY 交叉注册 at a participating institution:

  1. Students may only cross register at participation institutions for degree applicable courses when an equivalent or degree suitable course is not available at GCC, the enrollment capacity has been reached in all GCC offerings, or the student has a time conflict between two required courses that must be completed this semester.
  2. Students are subject to the cross registration policies of the participating school in which they wish to cross register. Students are responsible for contacting the host institution for registration related policies as well as dates and deadlines.

Current 交叉注册 Agreements:


  • Canisius大学
  • 德门大学
  • D 'Youville大学
  • 同伴们的大学
  • 尼亚加拉大学
  • St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


  • 阿尔弗雷德大学
  • 高露洁罗切斯特神学院
  • 霍巴特 & 威廉姆斯史密斯学院
  • 霍顿学院
  • Keuka大学
  • 拿撒勒大学
  • 罗伯茨卫斯理学院
  • 罗切斯特理工学院
  • St. 伯纳德研究所
  • St. 约翰费希尔学院
  • 罗切斯特大学